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    B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering Syllabus

    B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering

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    B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering

    B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) syllabus

    B Tech CSE syllabus is focused on the study of the hardware and networking domains of computer technology. It seeks to impart knowledge on developing sustainable working models that operate on the strategic integration of computing devices with technology to meet the operational needs of the modern work environment.

    The B.Tech CSE course is designed to equip students with the knowledge of

    1. Computer Architecture
    2. Software Engineering
    3. Processor Designs
    4. Computer Networks

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    Along with the skills of programming and machine learning to expand their technological horizons.

    The syllabus also imparts knowledge about specialized areas of study such as

    1. Artificial Intelligence
    2. The Internet Of Things
    3. Algorithm Analysis
    4. Digital Logic

    To prepare them for coming-of-age technological needs as well as provides an opportunity for practical learning through Practice School.

    The Practice School program bridges the gap between classroom learning and the professional world by way of structured mentoring supervised by renowned industry professionals. It helps the students to explore career opportunities and make a rational decision about their career advancement based on real-time working experience from top electronics and communication technology companies around the world.

    The Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) course encourages the all-around development of students by teaching them about designs, implementation, and management of computer systems. Particular emphasis is laid on the study of humanities along with the development of communication and presentation skills so that the students not only possess sound technical knowledge and skills but also develop into socially responsible citizens.

    Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

    PEO 1: Identify real-life problems and develop creative and innovative hardware/software-based solutions.

    PEO 2: Achieve professional development through self-learning to adapt to the technological changes in the ever-changing field of computing.

    PEO 3: Engage in life-long learning of computer engineering technologies, critical thinking and continuous ingenuity and apply them in real-life applications.

    PEO 4: Accomplish leadership roles by imbibing ethics and professionalism with emphasis on sustainable development of the society.

    Program Outcomes (PO)

    Graduates will be able to:

    PO 1: Apply the foundational concepts of mathematics, science, and computer engineering to find novel solutions for complex real-life engineering problems.

    PO 2: Identify, formulate, review literature, and analyze complex computer engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions and derive a coherent logic that can be implemented by computers.

    PO 3: Design analytical and computational models for solving complex engineering problems giving due consideration to issues related to public health and safety, cultural and societal constraints, and environmental concerns.

    PO 4: Use research-based knowledge, methods, tools, and techniques for data collection, designing digital computing systems, analyzing and interpreting the results to provide substantiated conclusions.

    PO 5: Use appropriate tools to model complex computer engineering problems through identification of the limitations and creating solutions to predict the real-world phenomena.

    PO 6: Use appropriate contextual knowledge of computer engineering to review and assess societal, health, legal, cultural, safety and contemporary issues and rationalize the ensuing responsibilities towards the society.

    PO 7: Adopt computer engineering practices in congruence with societal need, understand the working practices and its impact on natural resources for sustainable development.

    PO 8: Use ethical principles to pursue excellence in developing computer engineering systems and behave appropriately to develop a reliable and trustworthy relationship with others.

    PO 9: Function effectively as a reliable and responsible individual, and as a member or leader in diverse computer engineering teams, and in multidisciplinary settings, thereby placing team goals ahead of individual interests.

    PO 10: Communicate effectively by capturing the desirable computer system requirements for preparation of specification documents, write clear and concise report such as laboratory files, research papers, thesis, and presentation materials.

    PO 11: Demonstrate knowledge of computer engineering and management principles for the completion of individual or group projects in multidisciplinary environments.

    PO 12: Recognize the evolving technological changes and engage as an independent and life-long learner in both computing and non-computing fields.

    Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

    PSO 1: Identify applicable tools and techniques related to data science practice such as data collection, cleaning, analysis, modelling, evaluation and result interpretation and apply them for deriving hidden and meaningful patterns for appropriate actionable insights.

    PSO 2: Develop intelligent systems for various real-life domains like healthcare, transportation, finance etc. using Artificial Intelligence methodologies.

    PSO 3: Understand the foundational concepts and techniques to protect computing systems against constantly evolving cybersecurity threats and analyze security breaches and violations of cyber systems and networks to provide appropriate solutions.

    PSO 4: Design effective security systems to mitigate risks, threats and vulnerabilities for protecting the organizations against cyber threats.

    B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Syllabus

    SemCategorySub-CategoryCourse TitleCredits
    1PerspectiveSchoolJoy of Engineering – I3
    1SkillSchoolCommunication Skills1
    1SchoolEngineering Ethics1
    1FoundationSchoolBasic Electrical and Electronics Engineering3
    1SchoolMathematics for Engineers – I2
    1SchoolEngineering Chemistry1
    1SchoolPhysics for Engineers2
    1Program SpecificFundamentals of Data Science3
    1Program SpecificObject Oriented Programming using C++4
       Semester Total21

    SemCategorySub-CategoryCourse TitleCredits
    2PerspectiveSchoolJoy of Engineering – II3
    2SchoolEnvironmental Studies2
    2SkillSchoolTechnical Report Writing2
    2FoundationSchoolMathematics for Engineers – II3
    2FoundationProgram SpecificFundamentals of Digital Logic3
    2Program SpecificData Structures and Algorithms3
    CoreClassroomApplied Data Science2
       Semester Total19
    ST1Practice SchoolPractice School –IAudit

    SemCategorySub-CategoryCourse TitleCredits
    3SkillSchoolEtiquettes and Conversational Skills2
    3FoundationProgram SpecificSoftware Engineering2
    3Program SpecificDesign and Analysis of Algorithms3
    3Program SpecificDatabase Management System3
    3CoreClassroomWeb Programming2
    3ClassroomJava Programing3
    3ClassroomOperating Systems3
    3CoreProject I1
       Semester Total20

    SemCategorySub-CategoryCourse TitleCredits
    4PerspectiveSchoolGlobal Energy: Politics, Markets and Policy1
    4SchoolDesign Thinking2
    4FoundationProgram SpecificMachine Learning3
    4CoreClassroomComputer Organization & Architecture3
    4ClassroomData Communications & Computer Networks3
    4ClassroomMobile Application Development2
    4ClassroomHuman Computer Interaction2
    4CoreProject II (MAD/Web Programming/HCI/ML)3
       Semester Total20
    ST2Practice SchoolPractice School –II4

    SemCategorySub-CategoryCourse TitleCredits
    5PerspectiveStudent SpecificInnovation and Entrepreneurship2
    5CoreClassroomDigital Image Processing4
    5ClassroomArtificial Intelligence3
    5FoundationSchoolDiscrete Mathematics3
    5ClassroomNetwork Security3
    5ClassroomIoT Sensors, Peripherals and Processors2
    5Core ElectiveClassroomElective-I (Specialization Specific)3
    5SkillSchoolSeminar / Case Studies2
       Semester Total23

    SemCategorySub-CategoryCourse TitleCredits
    6Practice SchoolPractice School-III14
       Semester Total14

    SemCategorySub-CategoryCourse TitleCredits
    7PerspectiveStudent Specific1
    7CoreClassroomTheory of Computation3
    ClassroomIoT Networks, Architectures and Applications3
    7Core ElectiveClassroomElective II (Specialization Specific)3
    7Core ElectiveProject-IIIElective III (Specialization Specific)3
    7Open ElectiveClassroom / Lab3
       Semester Total18

    SemCategorySub-CategoryCourse TitleCredits
    8Core ElectiveClassroomElective IV (Specialization Specific)3
    8ClassroomElective V (Specialization Specific)3
    8CoreProject IV5
    8Open ElectiveClassroom / Lab3
    8Classroom / Lab3
    Semester Total17
    Program Total156

    1Research Methodology
    2Paper Writing and Story Telling
    3Paper Reading and Concluding, Referencing, Latex introduction, Mendeley
    4Microprocessor Based System Design
    5Computer Graphics
    6Graph Theory
    7Compiler Design
    8Theory of Computation
    9Cloud Computing
    10Fog Computing
    11Advanced Database Management Systems
    12Any other course on recent development

    Minor Program: Computational Linguistics
    1Formal languages and automata theory
    2Grammar and Parsing
    3Text processing
    4Speech and Audio Processing
    5Lexical Semantics and Computational Discourse
    Minor Program: Cyber Physical Systems
    1IT fundamentals of Cyber Physical Systems
    2Cyber Physical Systems: Modelling and Simulation
    2Embedded Hardware and Operating System
    3Web Connectivity and Security in Embedded System
    4Design and Analyze Secure Networked System
    5Real Time Cyber Threat Detection and Mitigation
    Minor Program: Computational Mathematics
    1Advanced Numerical methods/ Numerical Linear Algebra
    2Computational Geometry
    3Design and Analysis of Experiments
    4Industrial Statistics
    5Mathematical Finance
    6Mathematical Modelling in Industry
    7Number Theory and Cryptography
    8Numerical solution of PDE’s
    9Probability theory and Monte Carlo simulation
    10Time Series Analysis and Dynamical Modelling


    BTech CSE syllabus is traditionally easier than other fields of engineering. However, due to the inclusion of complex mathematical formulae and concepts of science, it requires an individual to put in a lot of effort and dedication to excel in the field of computer science.

    The number of subjects in CSE varies from one institution to another. However, for most institutions, the CSE course contains around 35-40 subjects, excluding electives.

    Some of the main subjects taught in BTech Computer Science and Engineering include:

    • Fundamentals of Data Science
    • Object Oriented Programming using C++
    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Applied Data Science
    • Database Management System
    • Machine Learning
    • Design Thinking
    • Mobile Application Development
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • IoT Sensors, Peripherals and Processors

    And many more!

    The syllabus of BTech CSE 1st year includes basic topics like:

    • Engineering Ethics
    • Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    • Engineering Chemistry
    • Physics for Engineers
    • Environmental Studies
    • Technical Report Writing
    • Fundamentals of Digital Logic

    The BTech CSE requires a basic understanding of discrete mathematics, calculus, statistics, and algebra, along with very good reasoning and problem-solving skills.

    Yes, Mathematics is mandatory in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE).

    The semester-wise syllabus for CSE is given above, which you can explore in a drop-down format.

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