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    Meet the Assistant Professor

    Saumya Maheshwari

    Assistant Professor,
    School of Law


    Saumya Maheshwari is an Assistant Professor at the School of Law, and the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs. She also supervises BMU’s Legal Aid Clinic. Her core research interests lie at the intersections of gender, sexuality, and the law, with a focus on the gendered performance of social reproductive labour and its relationship with economic entitlements within marriage and family. Before joining academia, Saumya worked as a family law counsel in Delhi, and with domestic and international NGOs on a wide range of issues related to the rights of women, girls, and queer people, including sexual health and well-being, freedom from violence, access to justice, and access to housing and work.”

    • Dependence despite work, duties in precarity, and affective labouring: Exploring the dilemmas of adopting a “domestic work as labour” approach in family law, NUJS Law Review (forthcoming)
    • Child Marriage Prosecutions in India: Case Law Analysis of Actors, Motives, and Outcomes, Partners for Law in Development (Report, 2021) (co-authored with Madhu Mehra).
    • Questioning the assumptions of the Supreme Court’s decision on adolescent marital rape, Socio-Legal Review Forum (14 Oct. 2017).
    • Reproductive Autonomy in India, Vol. 11, NALSAR Student Law Review, pg. 27 (2017).
    • The Language of Evidence in Rape Trials, Vol. 10(1), National Law School Socio-Legal Review, pg. 1 (2014).