Ways to Give/ Areas to Support

BMU is a not-for-profit initiative of Hero Group and has all its mandatory certifications like 80G, 12AA, and CSR One Form in place. It also has an FCRA certificate.
There are links to following topics:
- Scholarship and Financial Aid:
Democracy, more than any other form of governance, depends on an educated and enlightened citizenry. About 40% of our students have been on some form of scholarship since the inception of the University. The goal is to bring world-class education to all capable students irrespective of their socioeconomic background. We continuously run projects to reach students who need financial help to pursue their studies. Over 1,400 students have benefited from over 50 crores in scholarships awarded by BMU since its foundation.
Through the CAREs campaign, BMU is creating a corpus for funding the education of 100 female students from weaker socio-economic backgrounds to enable their academic journey. To fulfil this mission, BMU’s admissions outreach team is working with many diverse schools such as Udbhav School, Hyderabad and VidyaGyaan Schools, etc. “If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family (nation).” — African Proverb Your support can make this possible. You can sponsor a named scholarship as a company or an individual. You will given a chance to track the interact with the students and know the impact you have made in their lives. - Chair Professorship:
You may institute a chair professorship in a specific field by sponsoring it. Such encouragement help us to attract academicians from eminent institutes with diverse domain knowledge and interdisciplinary expertise. - Infrastructure Building:
BMU is currently built on ….. acres and expanding for the needs of growing faculty and students. You may support the upcoming hostel buildings and other infrastructure needs of the campus.
We are aiming to make BMU campus self-sustainable by installing solar panels and doing our own waste management and water management. We welcome your support to build a greener campus.
BMU has Centres of Excellence on campus so that an empowering teaching-learning environment is created for students and faculty alike. The critical components of this eco system will be the latest technology platforms, real-life projects, collaborative learning, teamwork, hands-on learning and leadership development. You can sponsor and establish such Centre under the aegis of your name and help us train future entrepreneurs. - Research and Development
BMU has specialised research centres, labs, and incubation centre names Propel to promote world class and high-quality research. We are proud to say we have (information about patents).
We welcome contributions to help fund our research efforts.