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    Meet the Professor and Dean

    Pratik Modi

    Professor and Dean,
    School of Management


    Prof. Pratik Modi is the Dean of the School of Management at BML Munjal University. Previously, he served as Dean (Faculty) & Professor of Marketing at the Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA). Before that, he was associated with the Portsmouth Business School, University of Portsmouth, UK, as a Research Fellow and Visiting Fellow. He brings over 17 years of combined experience in industry, academics, research, and consulting.

    He has a track record of securing large research grants from organizations such as IDRC-TTI, UNICEF, and the University of Portsmouth. He is a productive researcher, with publications in leading international journals. He has provided wide consultation to state and central governments, multilateral agencies, and leading MNCs. Throughout his career, he has played pivotal roles in institutional administration at various leadership positions. He has spearheaded strategic initiatives and policy formulation that have led to substantial institutional transformation and growth.

    He has taught courses such as Marketing Strategy, Services Marketing, Managerial Decision Making, Structural Equation Modeling, Quantitative Research Methods, Marketing Management, Social, and Nonprofit Marketing at premier management institutions in India and Europe. His primary research interest is the study of the notion of strategic orientations and the exploration of their implications. His other research interest areas include sustainable consumption, rural-social aspects of marketing, and nonprofit marketing.

    Beyond academia, he is an ex-professional Tennis player, a government-certified rock climber, and a Himalayan survival trekker. He enjoys reading books spanning diverse topics in literature, science, history, arts, and society during his downtime.

    • Graduation In: BA (English, Literature)
    • Graduation From: North Gujrat University
    • Graduation Year: 1998
    • Post Graduation In: MBA – Marketing
    • Post Graduation From: Sardar Patel University, Department of Business Management
    • Post Graduation Year: 2001
    • Doctorate In: PhD. (Rural Management)
    • Doctorate From: Institute of Rural Management Anand
    • Doctorate Year: 2009
    From - To (Year) Designation & Organization Core Competency Additinal Exp. Details
    October 2002 to February 2005 In-Charge Principal, Panchjanya Institute of Commerce and Management Studies, North Gujarat University, Patan
    January-February 2023 Visiting Research Professor, Neoma Business School – France
    2019-21, 2021-23, 2022-24 Visiting Professor, IIM – Shillong
    2008-10 and 2009-11 Visiting Professor, IIM – Indore
    July 2014 to June 2017 Visiting Fellow, Portsmouth Business School, University of Portsmouth, UK
    August 2009 to November 2015 Assistant Professor, Marketing Area, Institute of Rural Management Anand
    December 2015 to November 2019 Associate Professor, Marketing Area, Institute of Rural Management Anand
    December 2019 to September 2023 Dean & Professor of Marketing, Institute of Rural Management Anand
    September 2023 onwards Dean, School of Management, BML Munjal University
    • Sahi, G.K., Modi, P., Mantok, S. (2023). New product innovations in times of crisis: How did women entrepreneurs survive the Covid-19 crisis? Industrial Marketing Management, 111(May), 19-29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.03.004 [ABDC – A*, ABS – 3]
    • Modi, P., & Pandey, SN. (2023). Why do livelihood programmes fail? The importance of market linkages and market orientation. In R.Singh & T.A. Wani (Eds.), Marketing to the poor: Creating value (pp.90-108). New York: Routledge. DoI: 10.4324/9781003311560-5
    • Eastman, J. K., Iyer, R., Eastman, K. L., Gordon‐Wilson, S., & Modi, P. (2020). Reaching the price conscious consumer: The impact of personality, generational cohort and social media use. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(4), 898-912. https://doi.org/10.1002/cb.1906 [ABDC–A, ABS – 2]
    • Li, S., Modi, P., Wu, M., Chen, C., & Nguyen, B. (2019). Conceptualising and validating the social capital construct in consumer-initiated online brand communities (COBCs). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 139(2), 303-310. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2018.11.018 [ABDC – A, ABS – 3]
    • Gordon‐Wilson, S., & Modi, P., Eastman, J. K. (2022). Values, Personality Traits, and Packaging-Free Shopping: A Mixed-Method Approach. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 31(2), 546-561. https://doi.org/10.1111/beer.12418 [ABDC – B]
    • Modi, P., & Sahi, G. K. (2021). Who gets the money? Strategic orientations and resource attraction by not-for-profit organizations. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 34(10), 475-499. https://doi.org/10.1080/10495142.2021.1926044 [ABDC – B]
    • Modi, P., & Sahi, G. K. (2018). Toward a greater understanding of the market orientation and internal market orientation relationship. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26(6), 532-549. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2017.1318943 [ABDC – A, ABS – 2]
    • Modi, P., & Sahi, G. K. (2018). The meaning and relevance of internal market orientation in nonprofit organisations. The Service Industries Journal, 38(5-6), 303-320. https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2017.1376660 [ABDC – B, ABS – 2]
    • Mohanty, N., Biswas, S. N., Mishra, D., & Modi, P. (2018). Designing messages for fluorosis mitigation behavior change: Role of message framing and perceived risk. Health Marketing Quarterly, 35(4), 280-297. https://doi.org/10.1080/07359683.2018.1524596 [ABDC – B, ABS–1] Gordon-Wilson, S., & Modi, P. (2015). Personality and older consumers’ green behaviour in the UK. Futures, 71, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2015.05.002 [ABDC – B, ABS – 2].
    • Modi, P. (2012). Measuring market orientation in nonprofit organizations. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20(5), 447-460. https://doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2012.689991 [ABDC – A, ABS 2]
    • Modi, P. (2012). Market orientation in nonprofit organizations: innovativeness, resource scarcity, and performance. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20(1), 55-67. https://doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2011.628405 [ABDC – A, ABS – 2]
    • Modi, P., & Mishra, D. (2010). Conceptualising market orientation in non-profit organisations: Definition, performance, and preliminary construction of a scale. Journal of Marketing Management, 26(5-6), 548-569. https://doi.org/10.1080/02672570903485113 [ABDC–A, ABS–3]
    • Modi, P., Pandey, S.C. and Rishi, B. (2023). National Institute of Development Management – striking a balance between mission and money. Emerging Markets Case Studies, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-09-2022-0323
    • Pandey, S. & Modi, P. (2021). Dhanvantari Ayurveda: Resilience in the Face of the Pandemic. AIMA ICRC Case (Winner of 3rd prize at EMFD-AIMA ICRC Case Competition 2021). https://www.caseresearchaima.in/frontend/product_display/426
    • Singh, R., Modi, P., Gupta, V., & Sur, A. (2018). Digital empowerment foundation’s Chanderiyaan project: Linking the poor producers with the market using ICT. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 8(3), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-01-2017-0002
    • Modi, P. (2008). Vanraj mini-tractors: Is small beautiful?. Asian Case Research Journal, 12(02), 141-160. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218927508001035
    • Modi, P., Mishra, D., Gulati, H., & Murugesan, K. (2009). Uttarakhand state cooperative federation: Can it help the horticulture farmers? Vision, 13(2), 53-61. https://doi.org/10.1177/097226290901300206
    • “Research Grant: 2019 UNICEF: ₹16,60,000 I (with another colleague) wrote a research grant proposal to examine the vulnerability of women and children in Gujarat’s coastal and desert areas. UNICEF awarded our proposal the research grant of ₹16,60,000. Our report was presented to the Unicef international planning group and formed the base document for Unicef’s perspective planning exercise for Gujarat.”
    • “Research Grant: 2013-14 University of Portsmouth: £5,000 – My colleague at the Portsmouth Business School and I wrote a competitive proposal for a small research grant of five thousand GBP. Our proposal on sustainability behaviours of elderly consumers was awarded the research grant. “
    • Research Grant: 2010 IDRC-TTI: C$ 10,00,000 I was one of the five authors of the Grant Proposal submitted to the International Development Research Centre’s Think Tank Initiative (IDRC-TTI). Our proposal was awarded a one million Canadian dollars grant for policy research, advocacy, and institutional development. I independently headed one of the five main policy research themes. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/vadodara/irma-bags-million-dollar-grant-to-nurture-think-tanks/articleshow/6168803.cms”
    • Interviewed and quoted by Forbes on the Air-India deal purchasing 500 planes from Boing and Airbus in an article published on 16 February 2023 (https://www.forbes.com/sites/benjaminlaker/2023/02/16/air-india-buys-470-planes-from-airbus-and-boeing-a-leadership-story/?sh=744e293c2ac8)
    • Winner of 3rd prize at EMFD-AIMA ICRC Case Writing Competition 2021 for the case titled “Dhanvantari Ayurveda: Resilience in the Face of the Pandemic.”
    • Invited as an expert by PM-Committee on MSP and Agri-Reform (Subgroup on Cooperation under the Chairmanship of Shri Dileep Sanghani) on “Agriculture Marketing System through Cooperative: A Global Comparative Analysis” on 15-16 April 2023
    • Awarded second consolation prize for my paper ‘Innovation orientation, R&D intensity, and firm’s resilience to macroeconomic shocks: Evidence from a natural experiment’ at the 7th International Communication Management Online Conference ICMC-2021 on Creativity & Culture for Management in a Changing World organized by MICA, from 7-9 January 2021. https://www.mica.ac.in/icmc/icmc-2021
    • Elsevier shortlisted my paper in its journal, Futures, “Personality and older consumers’ green behaviour in the UK” from across the journal portfolio based on its potential social impact in 2015. Each month the Atlas Advisory Board (involved in the implementation of science in society on a global scale) is sent a selection of 10 articles to choose their winning Atlas article. https://www.elsevier.com/connect/atlas/nominations/2015.
    • Received the Best Research Paper Award (sponsored by Journal of Strategic Marketing – Routledge) in the competitive intelligence analysis & strategy track of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2011 hosted by the University of Liverpool from 4-7 July 2011. Best Research Paper Award at the 4th IIM-A Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, January 5-7, 2011.
    • Best Reviewer Award – 2009 & 2011 from the Journal of Research Practice (Athabasca University Press, Open Access Journal, http://jrp.icaap.org/index.php/jrp/article/view/286/244).
    • Awarded $1,050 competitive prize from the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) as a travel grant to present the research at the biennial conference on Cultural Perspectives in Marketing held at New Orleans, LA., USA, from 16-19 January 2008.
    • Awarded the second runner-up prize at the 8th international consortium of students in management research (COSMAR 2008) organized by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, from 20-21 November 2008.
    • Chaired the Marketing Strategy track session at the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference hosted by the University of Valencia, Spain, from 3-6 June 2014.
    • Convener of 24th Convention of the Strategic Management Forum of India to be held on the IRMA Campus during 21-23 December 2022.