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BML Munjal University

A Hero Group Initiative

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    BML Munjal University’s Bachelor’s program in Economics (Honors) targets that at the end of the program, the students are expected to apply their knowledge of economics towards critical appraisal of real-world problems and apply research skills towards identifying innovative and scientific solutions. The program aims to provide a mathematical and statistical attitude to look at global issues and attain a deeper, more subtle understanding of possible explanations and their extensive influences on the society. BMU’s subscription to various and latest economic and financial databases will be a key ingredient of the program. Using both the latest database and economics related software will give students an edge over the rest of the student community. Students on successful completion of the program will gain superior analytical and econometric skills that are not currently offered in the region making them a stand-alone personality in the job market. On completion of the program students are expected to work as economists, financial and business analyst, researchers. Graduates can also pursue a relevant post-graduate study in the area of Economics and can complete PhD in Economics.


    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Foundation Mathematics for Economics 4
    2 Foundation Introduction to Psychology 4
    3 Foundation Financial Accounting with Tally 4
    4 Core Micro Economics I 4
    5 Core Fundamentals of Financial Markets 4
    6 Skills Writing Skills 3
    7 Perspective Philosophy and Logic* 2
    Total Credits 25

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Foundation Statistics for Economics 4
    2 Foundation Introduction to Sociology 4
    3 Core MacroEconomics I 4
    4 Core Behavioral Economics 4
    5 Skills Communicating and Presenting Skills* 3
    6 Skills Computer Programming 3
    7 Perspective Environmental Studies and Disaster Management 2
    Total Credits 24
    Industry Visit (2 Weeks) non-credit

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Core Macroeconomics I 4
    2 Core Macroeconomics II 4
    3 Core International Economics 4
    4 Core Mathematical Economics 4
    5 Skills Etiquette and Conversational Skills 3
    6 Perspective Living Literature and Arts 3
    7 Perspective World Civilizations 3
    Total Credits 26

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Core Econometrics 4
    2 Core Computer Programming for Economic Modelling 4
    3 Core Data Bases of the World Economy and Analysis of 4
    4 Core Empirical Research Methodology in Economics 4
    5 Skills Advanced Writing Skills 4
    6 Skills Data Visualization Using Tableau 3
    7 Skills Critical Reasoning and Systems Thinking 2
    Total Credits 25
    Internship (6 Weeks) 6

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Core Indian Economic History 4
    2 Core Time Series Analysis 4
    3 Electives Electives – (3 x 4=12) 12
    4 Skills Problem Solving and Consulting Skills* 3
    5 Skills Resume Writing and Career Skills 2
    Total Credits 25

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Core Undergraduate dissertation 8
    2 Electives Electives – (4 x 4=16) 16
    Total Credits 24

    Course Title
    Advanced Macroeconomics
    Corporate Finance
    Corporate Governance
    Economics for Social Sector: Education and Health
    Energy Economics
    Entrepreneurship & New Ventures
    Environmental Economics
    Experimental Economics
    Game Theory and Decisions
    Health Economics
    Industrial Organization
    International Finance
    Intsitutional Economics
    Labor Economics
    Legal Aspects of Business
    Monetary Economics
    Political Economy
    Public Finance
    Social Banking & Microfinance
    Urban Economics

    Please Note: The course curriculum is subject to revision.

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