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    Pritam Baruah, PhD
    Pritam Baruah, PhD Professor and Dean
    • School School of Law
    • Email pritam.baruah@bmu.edu.in

    Pritam Baruah is the Dean of the School of Law and Director of the Center for Constitutional Values. His research interests are in legal theory, constitutional theory, and constitutional law. Pritam has taught at several institutions across the world including at NUJS Kolkata, OP Jindal University, NLSIU Bangalore, University of Ottawa, CUPL Beijing, and University College London. Earlier he practiced law at the Supreme Court and was a member of the legal team of the Justice DP Wadhwa Commission on the PDS. He welcomes doctoral scholars in the areas of legal theory, constitutional theory, and public law.

    • Graduation In: BA BL (Hons)
    • Graduation From: Nalsar University of Law
    • Post Graduation In: Bachelor of Civil Law
    • Post Graduation From: University of Oxford
    • Doctorate In: Philosophy of Law
    • Doctorate From: University College London
    From - To (Year) Designation & Organization
    2021 Professor of Law, O.P. Jindal Global University
    2014-2020 Associate Professor of Law (Associate Dean, Institution-Building), O.P. Jindal Global University
    2008-2013 Assistant Professor of Law WBNUJS, Kolkata
    2006-2008 Advocate, Supreme Court of India
    • Uwe Volkman and Pritam Baruah, ‘Concepts of Democracy’ in ‘Constitutional Democracy in the European Union and India: Comparing the Law of Democracy in Continental Polities’ (Elgar 2021, eds. P. Dann & A. Thiruvengadam) 
    • Pritam Baruah, ‘Human Dignity in Indian Constitutional Adjudication’ in Human Dignity in Asia: A Dialogue between Law and Culture, (New York: Cambridge University Press 2021, eds. Jimmy Chia-Shin Hsu) Forthcoming.
    • Pritam Baruah, ‘(De) Valuing Dignity: Three Risks of Dignity Inflation in the Indian Supreme Court’s Reasoning’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 55, Issue No. 31, 01 August, 2020.
    • Pritam Baruah, ‘Are there any interpretive concepts?’ in V. Rodriguez, S. Khurshid, and L. Malik (eds) ‘Dignity in the Legal and Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin’ (Oxford University Press 2018)
    • ‘Human Dignity in Adjudication: The Limits of Placeholding and Essential Contestability Accounts’, (2014) 27 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 329.
    • Pritam Baruah and Nicolas M Rouleau, ‘Democracy, Representation, and Self-Rule in the Indian Constitution’, Verfassung und Recht in Übersee VRÜ/Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America 44 (2011).

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