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    Surabhi Singh
    Surabhi Singh Assistant Professor
    • School School of Law
    • Email surabhi.singh@bmu.edu.in

    Surabhi Singh is an Assistant Professor and the Co-Supervisor of the Legal Aid Clinic at the School of Law, BML Munjal University. Prior to this, Surabhi was teaching at the Jindal Global Law School. Her research interests lie in areas of Family Law, gender and courts and gender and health. Prior to teaching, Surabhi was practicing as a women’s rights lawyer before courts in Mumbai.

    • Editorial for the critical constitutionalism issue: Of constitutions and constitutionalisms, Jindal Global Law Review
    • Book Review: Amitav Ghosh: The Nutmeg’s Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis Penguin Random House India, 2021. Jindal Global Law Review
    • Interview: Disability studies and the law: In conversation with Professor (Dr) Nilika Mehrotra, Jindal Global Law Review
    • A report on the right to abortion and the right to privacy in India post the Puttaswamy decision: The Puttaswamy Effect: Exploring the Right to Abortion in India, Centre for Communication Governance, NLU Delhi

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