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    Covid 19 – AI aiding in diagnosing, tracking recovery using deep learning on Chest CT scans Team : Maheshwar Kuchana, Atul Mishra and Kiran Khatter

    Innovation: Coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread throughout the world, causing mayhem from January 2020 to this day. Worldwide economies are falling to overcome that pandemic. Owing to its rapidly spreading existence and high death count, the WHO has called it a pandemic. Biomedical engineers, virologists, epidemiologists and people from other medical field fields are working to contain this epidemic as soon as possible. The virus incubates for 5 days in the human body and then begins displaying symptoms, in some cases as late as 27 days. The use of AI along with radiology to identify COVID-19 has been suggested by different teams of machine learning scientists. In certain cases, in terms of sensitivity, CT scans performed better than RT-PCR, which is currently the gold standard for COVID-19 diagnosis. The sensitivity of RT-PCR tests varies from 70 to 95 percent according to different studies. In this paper, a deep learning model is proposed that can calculate lung conditions such as ground-glass opacity, consolidation etc. from chest CT scans which in most cases are COVID-19 markers. The study also recommends how to incorporate this methodology into workflow of healthcare systems to help in controlling COVID-19 spread.

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