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    BBA in association KPMG

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    BBA in association KPMG

    BBA KPMG 2019-2022 Syllabus

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Foundation Micro Economics* 4
    2 Foundation Mathematics for Business* 4
    3 Foundation Introduction to Psychology 4
    4 Core Financial Accounting-KCap 4
    5 Core Business Organization and Principles of Management* 4
    6 Skills Writing Skills 3
    7 Perspective Philosophy and Logic* 2
    Total Credits 25

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Foundation Macro Economics* 4
    2 Foundation Introduction to Sociology 4
    3 Core Business Analytics (Statistics) * 4
    4 Core Cost and Management Accounting 4
    5 Core Corporate Accounting-KCap 4
    6 Skills Communicating and Presenting Skills* 3
    7 Perspective Joy Of Innovation 3
    8 Perspective Environmental Studies and Disaster Management 2
    Total Credits 28
    Industry Visit (2 Weeks) non-credit

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Core Organizational Behaviour* 4
    2 Core Essentials of Marketing* 4
    3 Core Operations Management* 4
    4 Core Understanding Industry & Markets 4
    5 Core Corporate Accounting II-KCap 4
    6 Skills Etiquette and Conversational Skills* 3
    7 Perspective Living Literature and Arts 3
    8 Perspective World Civilizations 2
    Total Credits 28

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Core Human Resource Management* 4
    2 Core Business Law* 4
    3 Core Financial Management* 4
    4 Core Leveraging Information Technology for Business 4
    5 Core Marketing Management 4
    6 Core Financial Reporting – Kcap 4
    7 Skills Critical Reasoning & Systems Thinking 2
    Total Credits 26
    Internship (6 Weeks) 6

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Core Leadership and Ethics* 4
    2 Core Strategy* 4
    3 Electives Electives (4×2=8) 8
    4 Skills Resume Writing and Career Skills 2
    5 Perspective Markstrat Simulation 3
    6 Perspective Problem Solving and Consulting Skills* 3
    Total Credits 24

    S.No. Category Course Title Credit
    1 Core Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking 4
    2 Core International Business Management* 4
    3 Core Project 2
    4 Electives Electives (6×2=12) 12
    5 Perspective Contemporary Challenges* (Capstone) 3
    6 Skills Selling, Negotiating, and Persuading Skills* 3
    Total Credits 28

    Please Note:The courses are subject to revision.

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