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    CMAT Score Vs Percentile

    BML Munjal Universityby BML Munjal University June 21, 2022

    Common Management Aptitude Test, commonly known as CMAT offers the ticket to entry across more than 600 b-schools in the country. While we talk about CMAT, a large number of test takers want to known about CMAT score Vs percentile. Thus, to quench the thirst of such examinees, here we bring CMAT score Vs percentile. The term CMAT score Vs percentile translates into the percentile equivalent with respect to the scores obtained in CMAT. The CMAT score refers to the total marks secured, while CMAT percentile is a candidate’s relative score with respect to the candidates qualified in the exam.

    Why is it important to know CMAT Score Vs Percentile?

    It’s crucial to have awareness of the CMAT score Vs percentile as some colleges offer admissions to the eligible candidates based on the CMAT scores, while others admit students on the basis of their CMAT percentile. Furthermore, score, percentile and ranks are the different elements of CMAT result and the selection process to admissions. Knowing these aspects of CMAT results will help them in devising a strategy that suits them best for MBA admission plus zero upon the MBA colleges in their reach and prepare for the GD and PI accordingly.

    What does the article offer about CMAT Score Vs Percentile?

    It’s generally confusing for students when it comes to CMAT score Vs percentile, while there’s a lot of difference between the both. Therefore, for the sake of the student community and the CMAT aspirants, here comes this article that throws light on CMAT score, CMAT percentile, CMAT ranks, and how are the percentile and scores calculated, and how the CMAT ranks are allotted. Happy reading!

    • What’s CMAT Score?
    • How’s CMAT Score Calculated?
    • What’s CMAT Percentile?
    • How’s CMAT Percentile Calculated?
    • How are CMAT Ranks Allotted?
    • CMAT Score Vs Percentile

    What’s CMAT Score?

    For those who are not aware, CMAT is conducted by the NTA, while the CMAT result is declared in the form of total score, percentile score and All India Ranks. To put it simply, CMAT score is the sum total of the marks obtained by the test takers in all sections of the CMAT exam/question paper. Marks are allotted to candidates in separately in all the sections of the paper which are then further combined to arrive at the total score (out of 400). This is what is called the CMAT score.

    How’s CMAT Score Calculated?

    Candidates can use the following table to understand how CMAT scores are calculated. The table here also explains the marking scheme for CMAT to calculate the scores of the test takers.

    CandidateNumber of questions answered Correct answers Incorrect answers Marks for correct answers Marks for incorrect answers CMAT score

    Form the table, you must have understood that:

    4 marks will be allotted to each correct answer.

    1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect response.

    Nothing will be awarded to unanswered questions.

    What’s CMAT Percentile?

    With reference to CMAT, the CMAT percentile corresponds to the percentage of the candidates securing a score lower than a particular candidate. For instance, say, a candidate is said to have secured 90 percentile. Now, this means that 90% candidates in CMAT exam have secured marks less than this one candidate with a percentile score of 90. In other words, CMAT percentile reflects the position of the candidates in the merit list.

    How’s CMAT Percentile Calculated?

    The CMAT percentile is calculated based on the rank of the student Vs number of students that take CMAT. For this, a formula is applied. Check the formula to calculate CMAT percentile below.

    Percentile P = 100 x Number of candidates appeared in the examination with raw marks equal to or less than the candidate/Total number of candidates appeared

    Let’s say, 10,000 candidates took CMAT exam in which candidate A has got rank 1. Thus, his CMAT percentile score will be: 100 x 9999/10,000= 99.99.

    There’s another way to calculate the CMAT percentile by using this:

    Percentile (P) = 10,000 – 1(rank)/10,000 x 100= 99.99.

    How’s CMAT Percentile CalculatedCheck some examples

    Student NameQuestions AnsweredCorrect answersIncorrect answersMarks given to correct answers Marks given to incorrect answers CMAT Final Score
    B9890890*4=360-8360-8= 352

    How are CMAT Ranks Allotted?

    The rank allotment process of CMAT is based on the scores of the candidates in CMAT. In case two test takers get the same marks, then they both will be given the same rank. However, the rank list will be sorted in the alphabetical order.

    From this table below, you will get a fair idea of the CMAT rank allotment:

    Student CMAT Overall ScoreCMAT All India Rank (AIR)

    CMAT Score Vs Percentile

    Candidates can check here the actual CMAT score with respect to its corresponding percentile.

    CMAT Score VS Percentile 2022

    CMAT Score Range (Out of 400 Max Marks)CMAT Percentile Range (After normalization for both shifts)
    Below 116Below 51

    CMAT Score Vs Percentile 2020

    MAAT Score 
    95 – 99.90251 – 341
    90 – 94.99232 – 250
    85 – 89.99216 – 230
    80 – 84.99204 – 215
    75 – 79.99192 – 203
    70 – 74.99180 – 191
    65 – 69.99172 – 179
    60 – 64.99160 – 171

    CMAT Rank Vs Score 2022

    CMAT 2022 RankCMAT Score Range
    Rank 1-100350-316
    Rank 100 to 1000315-275
    Rank 1001 to 5000274-241
    Rank 5000+240 and below

    MBA Scholarships 2022

    While, we talk about the CMAT score Vs percentile, you may also want to know which college would fit into your budget and where all you will find options like fee concessions and scholarships. Thus, you may also read – MBA Scholarships 2022.

    CMAT Score Vs Percentile Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q: What’s CMAT score?

    Ans: CMAT score is the sum total of the marks obtained by the test takers in all sections of the CMAT exam/question paper.

    Q: How are CMAT scores calculated?

    Ans: CMAT scores are calculated as per the marking scheme of the exam. 4 marks are allotted to each correct answer, 1 mark is deducted for each incorrect response and nothing is awarded to unattempted questions.

    Q: What’s difference between CMAT scores and CMAT percentile?

    Ans: CMAT score is the sum total of the marks obtained by the test takers in all sections of the CMAT exam/question paper, while CMAT percentile corresponds to the percentage of the candidates securing a score lower than a particular candidate.

    Q: How are CMAT ranks allocated to the qualified candidates?

    Ans: The rank in CMAT are allotted to the candidates as per the marks/scores they have secured in CMAT.

    Q: Why is it important to know the CMAT score Vs percentile?

    Ans: It’s crucial to know both CMAT scores and percentile, as different colleges offer admissions to eligible candidates based on the CMAT scores or CMAT percentile.

    CMAT score Vs percentile CMAT score CMAT Percentile
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