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    A Sneak Peek into Industry-Centric BBA Specializations

    The corporate sector is growing every year by leaps and bounds and is the primary contributor to the economy of any country, including India. There are various fields and industries that are developing and branching out in India and each and every one of them needs good managers who are skilled and competent at operating the business and can perform well in a managerial role.

    The BBA degree prepares students exactly for these kinds of managerial roles. In this age of startups, this degree also prepares students in becoming an entrepreneur and operating their own businesses. This degree provides all the technical knowledge to the students that they will require to function in this world of technology and will enable them to uphold industry standards at their company.

    The BBA degree will instill the ambition and drive in the students to reach the top of the ladder in the corporate world and to bring all their expertise to bear in improving the efficiency and production output of their companies. All the subjects in this degree are an integral part of any organization and the company relies heavily on them to achieve success. This degree will also make the students familiar with the current market scenario.

    Since there are so many fields that require a fine and intricate knowledge of their operations, there exist a large number of BBA specializations that students can opt for which will train them in the nitty-gritty of a particular field. So without further ado, let us take a look at some of the most popular BBA specializations which exist for the BBA degree. This article will give you all of the most important BBA course information. The following are the best BBA course available to students nowadays.

    Top BBA specializations selected by students -

  • BBA in Business Analytics -

    This 3-year long undergraduate program contains a mixture of business intelligence and data analytics and prepares the students to enter the world of big data and organizational statistics. Since businesses and organizations these days are operating at a large scale and are generating a lot of data, it is important for them to process and analyze this data to extract useful patterns and glean meaningful insights.

    The students are trained for this purpose in this program through a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that teaches them how to process, study, interpret, and analyze the data collected by an organization. Since this is one of the best BBA courses available it has a very well-planned design. The students in this course are also taught a variety of statistical methods based on which they can make important decisions in a business.

    In this program, the students will learn all the necessary skills and standard industry practices regarding the analysis of data which will enable them to investigate the past business performance of an organization and formulate plans for their future. It mainly covers the following domains -

    • Predictive Analytics
    • Descriptive Analytics
    • Prescriptive Analytics
    • Decision Analytics

    Some of the topics covered in this course or the BBA subjects list for this course is - 

    • Cyber Law
    • Introduction to Management
    • Business Accounting
    • Research Methods
    • Business Mathematics
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Operation Management
    • Financial Management
    • Python
    • HR Management
    • Marketing and CRM
    • Environmental Studies

    Program outcomes -

    • Learning predictive modeling by using data mining, probability, and statistics to measure trends in productivity, customer relations, and marketing. This part of the course is the most important BBA course information for students.
    • Learning the skills of thinking critically, solving problems, and reaching conclusions based on data analytics to meet a business’ needs.
    • Learning methods of quantitative analysis to predict emerging trends rather than keep spending time reacting to market events.
    • Learning how to use big data tools to improve workforce strategies, run targeted marketing campaigns, and improve customer relations.

    Career paths available after completing the program -

    • Data Scientist
    • Quantitative Analyst/Modeller
    • Data Business Analyst
    • Business Analyst Manager or Consultant
    • Financial/Marketing Analyst
    • Project manager
    • Data mining manager
    • Business Intelligence and Analytics Consultant
    • Retail Sales Analyst
    • Big Data Analyst
    • Machine Learning Engineer
    • Business Analyst Specialist

    Starting annual salary -

    Rs. 2 lakhs - 12 lakhs per annum.

  • BBA in Entrepreneurship -

    BBA in Entrepreneurship is one of the best BBA courses available and is a 3-year long undergraduate course program. This program is intended for students who are interested in starting their own businesses, enterprises, or other ventures. This program is meant to teach the students how to create their own businesses, maintain their own businesses, and recognize and evaluate business opportunities when they appear.

    This program also teaches the students how to take strategic decisions and analyze and keep pace with their competitors in the industry. It provides training to students on building their own teams and managing them in times of both lean and plenty. It also includes modules on financial planning, formulating unique strategies of marketing, and following innovative business practices to run businesses.

    In today’s age of startups where every youth dreams of founding their own next big thing, this BBA in Entrepreneurship course is very important because it teaches the students exactly which steps are involved in creating their own startup and what is the process for accomplishing that. Let us look at the BBA course information available for this specialization.

    Some of the topics covered in this course or the BBA subjects list for this course is -

    • Management Foundations
    • Business Environment
    • Basic Mathematics and Statistical Techniques
    • Computers in Management
    • Financial Accounting
    • Quantitative Techniques for Management
    • Financial Services and Institutional Supports
    • Management Information Systems
    • E-Business Management
    • Introduction to Family Business Management

    Program outcomes -

    • This course gives the students a strong foundation in management principles and the rules and regulations of the corporate world, especially with regard to starting new ventures.
    • The students will learn various aspects of a dynamic and bustling business environment so that they can navigate it easily.
    • The course teaches the most common and useful mathematical and statistical techniques and algorithms used in the business world so that the students are familiar with them.
    • The various financial services and institutional supports that new businesses need are also covered in this course.

    Career paths available after completing the program -

    • Business Consultant
    • Delivery Manager
    • New Venture Developers
    • Assistant Manager
    • Business Reporter
    • Chief Human Resources Officer
    • Commercial Banker
    • Executive/Office Assistant
    • Finance Controller
    • Franchise Operator
    • Fundraisers and Development Officer
    • New Venture Developer
    • Placement Coordinator
    • Research and Development Executive
    • Sales Manager
    • Senior Network Administrator
    • System Analyst
    • Teacher

    Starting annual salary -

    Rs. 3 lakhs - 20 lakhs per annum.

  • BBA in Marketing -

    This 3-year long undergraduate program is one of the best BBA courses available and is intended for students who wish to learn the different facets of marketing. Marketing is an essential part of any business or organization because it is only through marketing that the company can reach its potential customers or potential users. If the product or service is not popularized through marketing techniques, no matter how sleek and well-designed it is, it will never make a big mark in the market. So it has to be sold to the users with a very good and creative marketing campaign.

    This course teaches the students how to do this with a big emphasis on developing unique marketing strategies and carrying out audience research such as the demographics which the product or service is targeting. It will enable students to increase their customer base and boost their sales and revenue.

    Some of the topics covered in this course or the BBA subjects list for this course is -

    • Marketing Concepts
    • Principles of Sales Management
    • Marketing Ethics
    • Consumer Behaviour
    • Brand Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • Sales and Distribution Management

    Program outcomes -

    • The students will learn the fundamentals of all marketing concepts such as the production concept, the product concept, the selling concept, the societal concept etc.
    • The students will learn the art of boosting the sales of a product or service by various techniques such as running ad campaigns, rebranding the product, offering sales and discounts, etc. This BBA course information should be noted by the students because it is very important.
    • The students will learn the do’s and don’t’s of marketing and the laws which are in place to govern corporate marketing activities so that they can help their company avoid legal problems.
    • The students will learn how to research and analyze consumer behavior so that they can create advertisements and marketing campaigns that will be most likeable for the potential customers.

    Career paths available after completing the program -

    • Marketing executive
    • Product manager
    • Brand manager
    • Marketing research analyst
    • Digital marketing manager
    • Marketing communications manager
    • Sales manager

    Starting annual salary -

    Rs. 3 lakhs - 9 lakhs per annum.

  • BBA in General Studies -
    • Course description
    • Some of the topics covered in this course are -
    • Program outcomes -
  • Career paths available after completing the program -

  • BBA in Digital Marketing -

    In today’s digital age, traditional forms of marketing have been replaced by modern forms of marketing which rely heavily on technology. The boom of digital marketing has made it essential for any business or organization to have its own digital marketing team which is an expert at packaging and presenting its products and services in an attractive and engaging way.

    This 3-year-long undergraduate course, which is one of the best BBA courses available, teaches the students exactly this. It walks the students through the art of using technology to reach the maximum number of users, get the most views on their product or service’s advertisements, and make the most impact on their target demographic.

    All forms of modern marketing mediums are covered such as SEO, PPC, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Video advertising, Network marketing, Contextual marketing, Affiliate marketing, Content marketing, etc.

    Some of the topics covered in this course or the BBA subjects list for this course is -

    • Communication Skills
    • Basics of Digital Management
    • Digital Design and Communication
    • Internet Technologies
    • SEO
    • Social Media Marketing
    • Advertising
    • Data Analytics
    • Data Mining
    • Web Design and Development
    • Content Marketing
    • Lead Generation and Email Marketing
    • Mobile Marketing
    • Project Management
    • Business Laws & Ethics
    • Digital Marketing Laws

    Program outcomes -

    • The students will be taught core communication skills and soft skills.
    • The students will be taught about the basic digital technologies and how to use them. They will also be taught how to manage collect and manage data that will be generated by their campaigns.
    • They will be taught how to design attractive images and other media for advertisement campaigns. Students look for this particular BBA course information quite often so it is worth mentioning here.
    • They will be taught how to use various digital marketing tools such as Mailchimp, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Canvas, Trello, etc.

    Career paths available after completing the program -

    • Digital Marketing Manager (DMM)
    • Content Strategist (CS)
    • Conversion Rate Optimizer (CRO)/Conversion Rate Manager
    • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Specialist/Manager
    • Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)/ Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Specialist
    • Email Marketing Specialist (EMS)
    • Consumer Experience/User Experience (UX) Designer
    • Analytics Expert (AE)
    • Social Media Expert (SME)
    • Web Designer
    • Content Marketer

    Starting annual salary -

    Rs. 4 lakhs - 20 lakhs per annum.

  • BBA in Finance -

    This 3-year undergraduate program is one of the best BBA courses available and is meant to teach students about the intricacies of investment and finance. This course will teach the students how to understand and operate in the complex and ever-changing world of business and finance and also about how to make intelligent decisions relating to shares in the stock market.

    In this course the students will also learn how to make accurate predictions about their companies' finances and shares and also about how to make accurate forecasts of the stock market and of the trading trends in it. It is a very carefully designed course which will equip the students with a proper understanding of how the Finance world operates and what are the rules and regulations governing it.

    Some of the topics covered in this course or the BBA subjects list for this course is -

    • Principles & Practice of Management
    • Business Communication
    • Financial Accounting
    • Business Law
    • Business Economics
    • Profit Planning & Control
    • Production Methods
    • Operations Research
    • Sales & Distribution Management
    • Management Information System
    • Banking Law & Practice
    • Corporate Planning & Strategic Management

    Program outcomes -

    • Students will learn how to manage the finances of the company in which they are working. They will also learn all the basic principles involved in supervising the company finances.
    • Students will be given a full understanding of how trading in the stock market works.
    • Students will be taught all the jargon and lingo of the Finance world so that they are able to communicate their ideas to their peers effectively.
    • Students will learn how to chart the future profits of a company and how to do the accounting for the profits of previous quarters.
    • Students will be taught the various methods of production that a company employs to produce its flagship products.

    Career paths available after completing the program -

    • Financial Manager/Analyst
    • Credit Analyst
    • Accounting Manager
    • Risk and Insurance Manager
    • Treasurer
    • Finance Manager
    • Cash Manager
    • Chief Financial Officer
    • Finance Director
    • Portfolio Manager
    • Chief Investment Officer

    Starting annual salary -

    Rs. 4 lakhs - 10 lakhs per annum.

  • BBA in Human Resources Management -

    This 3-year undergraduate program is one of the best BBA courses available and teaches the students how to manage the human resources department of any business or organization. Any organization which is working in any professional capacity requires a human resources department to manage its workforce. That human resources department itself requires some supervision and management and the graduates of this course can do this.

    Some of the topics covered in the course are -

    • Research Methods
    • Legal and Regulatory Framework
    • Communication Skills
    • Business Environment
    • Quality Management
    • Taxation Management
    • Economic Planning and Policies
    • Organizational Behavior
    • Financial Accounting

    Program outcomes -

    • The students will learn how to run the company's various departments according to the legal rules and regulations and keep the company's operations within the regulatory framework. The BBA course information on how to do this is available in the prospectus of any college.
    • The students will learn soft skills and communication skills which will help them in managing the workforce of the company and in communicating within the Human Resources department.
    • The students will learn about all the tools and techniques which can be used to optimize the business environment of a company to maximize productivity.
    • The students will learn how to uphold the best standards of quality and behaviour in their organization.

    Career paths available after completing the program -

    • Employee Relations Manager
    • HR Manager
    • HR Executive
    • Personnel Manager
    • Quality Assurance/ Quality Control Manager

    Starting annual salary -

    Rs. 4 lakhs - 7 lakhs per annum.

  • Choosing a specialization -

    1. Create a list - The first step is to create a list of all the BBA specializations available in the college or university which you wish to attend. By having a full list in front of you, you will be able to make an informed decision.
    2. Research - Now investigate and research each specialization thoroughly. Check things such as starting salaries, course curriculum, employment potential, the market value of the degree, etc. By doing this you will be able to narrow your choices down to a select few.
    3. Pros and Cons - Now evaluate the information which you have unearthed after research, and make a list of pros and cons from that information on each specialization. This will help you compare the different specializations on their merits and shortcomings.
    4. Go with what you like - Finally, give consideration to your feelings about each specialization. You must have a liking and curiosity towards a particular specialization. So go with the specialization you like and get BBA admission into that specialization because that specialization will form the basis of your career path in the future and so, should be something you like.

    Advantages of doing a BBA -

    1. Tremendous scope for career growth -

      The business world is growing more and more competitive as time goes on. BBA courses take advantage of this competition and provide all the skills and foundations of knowledge that candidates need to survive and flourish in this competitive environment.

      The course equips the candidates specifically for managerial roles, which make them very attractive to prospective employers who snap them up right after graduation to start grooming them according to their needs. Once they enter the managerial roles, the scope for growth is very high and they can reach very elevated positions after only a few years of work.

    2. Always stay abreast of the market trends -

      The course curriculum of the BBA course is designed keeping the latest market trends and developments in mind. It is updated regularly according to whatever is most popular and most desirable in the market at the time. Hence BBA graduates enter the job market with the latest and greatest skillsets and foundations which helps them a lot in handling the work requirements of different organizations.

    3. Massive returns on investment -

      The BBA course fees on average is Rs. 3 lakhs in total for the entire course duration of 3 years. When we compare this to the salary an average BBA graduate earns in a year, the difference is enormous.

      The following are some of the many diverse career options available to a BBA graduate -

      • Finance Manager
      • Business Administration Researcher
      • Human Resource Manager
      • Research and Development Manager
      • Business Consultant
      • Information Systems Manager
      • Marketing Manager

      Each one of the above career options have an average salary of more than 6 lakhs per annum. So a BBA graduate can earn double the entire cost of the BBA course in a single year. Hence, the return on investment of completing a BBA course is very high.

    4. Extensive industry exposure -

      The BBA course doesn’t provide mere classroom learning but instead constitutes of a heady mixture of theoretical and practical learning. Students are given the opportunity to develop hard and soft skills, which are a big requirement in the various industries of the corporate world today.

      They are given training in practical decision making, advanced communication skills, and managerial skills. The course contains many mandatory industry projects which entail delving into the sales, marketing, and operations fields.

      The students are also encouraged to participate in industry visits, case presentations, and organizational internships.

    5. Extends easily to an MBA -

      An MBA degree, or Masters in Business Administration degree, is considered the most preferable and most natural choice after completing a BBA course. An MBA degree opens up a wide variety of industries and career options for a student, and a BBA course is the best preparation for it because of the industry-based learning it provides.

      A BBA course is also very helpful in giving some idea and realization of the kind of specialization a student wants to pursue when they proceed to start an MBA degree.

    6. Numerous networking opportunities available -

      As most BBA graduates take up high-value managerial roles when they enter the professional world and form a huge network of contacts in the diverse industries of the world, as a member of the same group, you will have access to multifarious networking opportunities which will help your career advance rapidly.

    7. FAQs -

      Q1. What are the eligibility criteria for BBA colleges?

      All candidates who have successfully cleared their 12th standard exams and have passed are eligible for admission to the BBA program. This is the eligibility for BBA course. Colleges can also set a minimum percentage criterion for admission, which is generally 50% aggregate marks.

      Q2. Is there any entrance exam for the BBA admissions?

      Generally, no. The universities decide the admission based on the merit of the student in class 12th. However, some universities do conduct exams such as BHU UET, AIMA UGAT, IPMAT, etc.

      Q3. How much is the fees for a BBA course?

      The fee for a BBA course is usually between 2 to 5 lakhs in total. The exact fees vary from one college to the other.

      Q4. Is BBA General better or BBA Hons.?

      BBA General will give you a general overview of all the subjects involved in a BBA program, so it is good to choose for students who have not decided on their career path. However, for students who have a clear idea about which career and field they want to go into, doing a BBA Hons. with a specialization is the better option. Additionally, for some fields such as Tourism Management or Sports Management, one must take a specialized course to find employment.

      Q5. Can I do BBA after 12th standard?

      Yes. If you are a Commerce stream student who wants to go into the Administration area, this course is especially recommended for you.

      Q6. Is there Maths in BBA?

      BBA is a course that seeks to create skilled and competent administrators. They will need to know the fundamentals of operating businesses. So for this purpose, there is a good amount of arithmetic involved in the course in subjects such as Accounting, Statistics, etc.

      Q7. Is BBA better or BCom.?

      BCom. is good for students who are interested in learning about Finance and want to pursue a career path as a Chartered Accountant or Company Secretary. BBA is better for students who want to go into a managerial or administration role.

      Q8. Does BMU offer a BBA+MBA integrated program?

      Yes, BMU does offer a BBA+MBA 5-year-long integrated program, a blend of an undergraduate and a postgraduate management program that teaches the students about the core concepts of management from the very basics to the advanced concepts in a systematic progression.

      Q9. Where do I find the details about the BBA course?

      The details about BBA course are available in the college prospectus of that course.

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